4. StationXML Tools
As StationXML files are ordinary text files, they may be edited with any text editor (e.g., vi/VIM, TextWrangler, Notepad/Wordpad, etc)
However, StationXML files can become very large and unwieldy as more stations and channels are added. For instance a regional seismic network can generate a StationXML file of size > 30Mb on disk (>400,000 lines).
Fortunately, several tools exist that allow creation and editing of StationXML files.
4.1. ObsPy + NRL
ObsPy contains a number of very useful modules for working with StationXML. In particular, ObsPy contain a module able to connect to the IRIS Nominal Resource Library (NRL) and download full responses (sensor + datalogger) for various combinations of sensor + datalogger contained within the NRL.
The excerpts below provide examples of how to work with ObsPy and the NRL.
from obspy.clients.nrl import NRL
from obspy.core.inventory import Inventory, Network, Station, Channel, Site
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
#from lib.valid import stationxml_validator
def do_plot():
nrl = NRL('http://ds.iris.edu/NRL/')
datalogger_keys = ['REF TEK', 'RT 130 & 130-SMA', '1', '40']
sensor_keys = ['Streckeisen', 'STS-2', '1500', '3 - installed 04/97 to present']
response = nrl.get_response(sensor_keys=sensor_keys, datalogger_keys=datalogger_keys)
response.plot(min_freq=.001, outfile="sts2-rt130.png")
for stage in response.response_stages:
if __name__ == '__main__':
The resulting response plot looks like

Output for the response stages Show/Hide Stages
Response type: PolesZerosResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 1
From M/S (Velocity in Meters per Second) to V (Volts)
Stage gain: 1500.0, defined at 1.00 Hz
Transfer function type: LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)
Normalization factor: 3.4684e+17, Normalization frequency: 1.00 Hz
Poles: (-0.037-0.037j), (-0.037+0.037j), (-15.64+0j), (-97.34-400.7j), (-97.34+400.7j), (-374.8+0j), (-520.3+0j), (-10530-10050j), (-10530+10050j), (-13300+0j), (-255.097+0j)
Zeros: 0j, 0j, (-15.15+0j), (-176.6+0j), (-463.1-430.5j), (-463.1+430.5j)
Response type: ResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 2
From V to V
Stage gain: 1.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Response type: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 3
From V (Volts) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
Stage gain: 629129.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Input Sample Rate: 102400.00 Hz
Decimation Factor: 1
Decimation Offset: 0
Decimation Delay: 0.00
Decimation Correction: 0.00
Transfer function type: DIGITAL
Contains 1 numerators and 0 denominators
Response type: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 4
From COUNTS (Digital Counts) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
Stage gain: 1.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Input Sample Rate: 102400.00 Hz
Decimation Factor: 8
Decimation Offset: 0
Decimation Delay: 0.00
Decimation Correction: 0.00
Transfer function type: DIGITAL
Contains 29 numerators and 0 denominators
Response type: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 5
From COUNTS (Digital Counts) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
Stage gain: 1.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Input Sample Rate: 12800.00 Hz
Decimation Factor: 2
Decimation Offset: 0
Decimation Delay: 0.00
Decimation Correction: 0.00
Transfer function type: DIGITAL
Contains 13 numerators and 0 denominators
Response type: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 6
From COUNTS (Digital Counts) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
Stage gain: 1.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Input Sample Rate: 6400.00 Hz
Decimation Factor: 2
Decimation Offset: 0
Decimation Delay: 0.00
Decimation Correction: 0.00
Transfer function type: DIGITAL
Contains 13 numerators and 0 denominators
Response type: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 7
From COUNTS (Digital Counts) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
Stage gain: 1.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Input Sample Rate: 3200.00 Hz
Decimation Factor: 2
Decimation Offset: 0
Decimation Delay: 0.00
Decimation Correction: 0.00
Transfer function type: DIGITAL
Contains 13 numerators and 0 denominators
Response type: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 8
From COUNTS (Digital Counts) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
Stage gain: 1.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Input Sample Rate: 1600.00 Hz
Decimation Factor: 2
Decimation Offset: 0
Decimation Delay: 0.00
Decimation Correction: 0.00
Transfer function type: DIGITAL
Contains 13 numerators and 0 denominators
Response type: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 9
From COUNTS (Digital Counts) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
Stage gain: 1.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Input Sample Rate: 800.00 Hz
Decimation Factor: 2
Decimation Offset: 0
Decimation Delay: 0.01
Decimation Correction: 0.01
Transfer function type: DIGITAL
Contains 13 numerators and 0 denominators
Response type: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 10
From COUNTS (Digital Counts) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
Stage gain: 1.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Input Sample Rate: 400.00 Hz
Decimation Factor: 2
Decimation Offset: 0
Decimation Delay: 0.12
Decimation Correction: 0.12
Transfer function type: DIGITAL
Contains 101 numerators and 0 denominators
Response type: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage, Stage Sequence Number: 11
From COUNTS (Digital Counts) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
Stage gain: 1.0, defined at 0.05 Hz
Input Sample Rate: 200.00 Hz
Decimation Factor: 5
Decimation Offset: 0
Decimation Delay: 0.58
Decimation Correction: 0.58
Transfer function type: DIGITAL
Contains 235 numerators and 0 denominators
Up until now we have been examining the response in ObsPy format, that is, as an instance of type obspy.core.inventory.response.Response.
We can also examine this as part of a StationXML file, however, StationXML does not allow children to exist without parents. Thus, a response must be contained within a <Channel> element, which itself must be contained within a <Station> element, which must be contained within a <Network> element, etc.
The excerpt below creates a generic structure to contain our Response object, exports this to StationXML, and validates it against the StationXML schema. Note at the time of this writing, ObsPy outputs StationXML 1.1 and does not follow all of the recommendations in StationXML 1.2.
from obspy.clients.nrl import NRL
from obspy.core.inventory import Inventory, Network, Station, Channel, Site
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
def do_xml():
nrl = NRL('http://ds.iris.edu/NRL/')
datalogger_keys = ['REF TEK', 'RT 130 & 130-SMA', '1', '40']
sensor_keys = ['Streckeisen', 'STS-2', '1500', '3 - installed 04/97 to present']
response = nrl.get_response(sensor_keys=sensor_keys, datalogger_keys=datalogger_keys)
channel = Channel(code='BHZ',
location_code='10', # required
latitude=0, # required
longitude=0, # required
elevation=0.0, # required
depth=0., # required
channel.response = response
station = Station(code='ABCD',
creation_date=UTCDateTime(1970, 1, 1), # required
site=Site(name='Fake Site'), # required
network = Network(code='XX',
inventory = Inventory(networks=[network], source="demo")
inventory.write("Test.xml", format="stationxml", validate=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The output StationXML file looks like:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<FDSNStationXML xmlns="http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1" schemaVersion="1.1">
<Module>ObsPy 1.2.2</Module>
<Network code="XX">
<Station code="ABCD">
<Latitude unit="DEGREES">0.0</Latitude>
<Longitude unit="DEGREES">0.0</Longitude>
<Elevation unit="METERS">0.0</Elevation>
<Name>Fake Site</Name>
<Channel code="BHZ" locationCode="10">
<Latitude unit="DEGREES">0.0</Latitude>
<Longitude unit="DEGREES">0.0</Longitude>
<Elevation unit="METERS">0.0</Elevation>
<Depth unit="METERS">0.0</Depth>
<Description>Velocity in Meters per Second</Description>
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<Stage number="1">
<Description>Velocity in Meters per Second</Description>
<PzTransferFunctionType>LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECOND)</PzTransferFunctionType>
<NormalizationFrequency unit="HERTZ">1.0</NormalizationFrequency>
<Zero number="0">
<Real minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Imaginary>
<Zero number="1">
<Real minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Imaginary>
<Zero number="2">
<Real minusError="-15.15" plusError="-15.15">-15.15</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Imaginary>
<Zero number="3">
<Real minusError="-176.6" plusError="-176.6">-176.6</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Imaginary>
<Zero number="4">
<Real minusError="-463.1" plusError="-463.1">-463.1</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="-430.5" plusError="-430.5">-430.5</Imaginary>
<Zero number="5">
<Real minusError="-463.1" plusError="-463.1">-463.1</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="430.5" plusError="430.5">430.5</Imaginary>
<Pole number="0">
<Real minusError="-0.037" plusError="-0.037">-0.037</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="-0.037" plusError="-0.037">-0.037</Imaginary>
<Pole number="1">
<Real minusError="-0.037" plusError="-0.037">-0.037</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.037" plusError="0.037">0.037</Imaginary>
<Pole number="2">
<Real minusError="-15.64" plusError="-15.64">-15.64</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Imaginary>
<Pole number="3">
<Real minusError="-97.34" plusError="-97.34">-97.34</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="-400.7" plusError="-400.7">-400.7</Imaginary>
<Pole number="4">
<Real minusError="-97.34" plusError="-97.34">-97.34</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="400.7" plusError="400.7">400.7</Imaginary>
<Pole number="5">
<Real minusError="-374.8" plusError="-374.8">-374.8</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Imaginary>
<Pole number="6">
<Real minusError="-520.3" plusError="-520.3">-520.3</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Imaginary>
<Pole number="7">
<Real minusError="-10530.0" plusError="-10530.0">-10530.0</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="-10050.0" plusError="-10050.0">-10050.0</Imaginary>
<Pole number="8">
<Real minusError="-10530.0" plusError="-10530.0">-10530.0</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="10050.0" plusError="10050.0">10050.0</Imaginary>
<Pole number="9">
<Real minusError="-13300.0" plusError="-13300.0">-13300.0</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Imaginary>
<Pole number="10">
<Real minusError="-255.097" plusError="-255.097">-255.097</Real>
<Imaginary minusError="0.0" plusError="0.0">0.0</Imaginary>
<Stage number="2">
<Stage number="3">
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<InputSampleRate unit="HERTZ">102400.0</InputSampleRate>
<Stage number="4">
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<InputSampleRate unit="HERTZ">102400.0</InputSampleRate>
<Stage number="5">
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<InputSampleRate unit="HERTZ">12800.0</InputSampleRate>
<Stage number="6">
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<InputSampleRate unit="HERTZ">6400.0</InputSampleRate>
<Stage number="7">
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<InputSampleRate unit="HERTZ">3200.0</InputSampleRate>
<Stage number="8">
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<InputSampleRate unit="HERTZ">1600.0</InputSampleRate>
<Stage number="9">
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<InputSampleRate unit="HERTZ">800.0</InputSampleRate>
<Stage number="10">
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<InputSampleRate unit="HERTZ">400.0</InputSampleRate>
<Stage number="11">
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<Description>Digital Counts</Description>
<InputSampleRate unit="HERTZ">200.0</InputSampleRate>
4.2. IRIS SEED-StationXML Converter
IRIS maintains a Java-based tool that can convert between dataless SEED and StationXML formats at:
4.3. IRIS StationXML Validator
IRIS maintains a Java-based validator for StationXML documents.
Note: this tool validates documents against the official schema in addition to a set of rules that are not possible to represent in the XML Schema language.