Welcome to the StationXML documentation!
Version: 1.2 (2022-02-25)
- Contents
- 1. Overview
- 2. StationXML Reference
- 2.1. <FDSNStationXML> required
- 2.2. <Network> required
- 2.3. <Station>
- 2.3.1. <Description>
- 2.3.2. <Identifier>
- 2.3.3. <Comment>
- 2.3.4. <DataAvailability>
- 2.3.5. <Latitude> required
- 2.3.6. <Longitude> required
- 2.3.7. <Elevation> required
- 2.3.8. <Site> required
- 2.3.9. <WaterLevel>
- 2.3.10. <Vault>
- 2.3.11. <Geology>
- 2.3.12. <Equipment>
- 2.3.13. <Operator>
- 2.3.14. <CreationDate>
- 2.3.15. <TerminationDate>
- 2.3.16. <TotalNumberChannels>
- 2.3.17. <SelectedNumberChannels>
- 2.3.18. <ExternalReference>
- 2.4. <Channel>
- 2.4.1. <Description>
- 2.4.2. <Identifier>
- 2.4.3. <Comment>
- 2.4.4. <DataAvailability>
- 2.4.5. <ExternalReference>
- 2.4.6. <Latitude> required
- 2.4.7. <Longitude> required
- 2.4.8. <Elevation> required
- 2.4.9. <Depth> required
- 2.4.10. <Azimuth>
- 2.4.11. <Dip>
- 2.4.12. <WaterLevel>
- 2.4.13. <Type>
- 2.4.14. <SampleRate>
- 2.4.15. <SampleRateRatio>
- 2.4.16. <ClockDrift>
- 2.4.17. <CalibrationUnits>
- 2.4.18. <Sensor>
- 2.4.19. <PreAmplifier>
- 2.4.20. <DataLogger>
- 2.4.21. <Equipment>
- 2.5. <Response>
- 2.5.1. <InstrumentSensitivity>
- 2.5.2. <InstrumentPolynomial>
- 2.5.3. <Stage>
- <PolesZeros>
- <Coefficients>
- <ResponseList>
- <FIR>
- <Decimation>
- <StageGain> required
- <Polynomial>
- 3. Specifying and Using Response Information
- 4. StationXML Tools
- 5. Appendices
- Specification home
- FDSN home